How I Work

Counselling is a talking therapy which allows a person to talk about their feelings and problems in a safe, supported, confidential environment.

My role as counsellor is to facilitate this, offering a non-judgemental and empathic space for you to talk and explore your feelings. Counselling is not advice, and our sessions are not about finding ‘quick fix’ solutions. Instead, you will be encouraged to explore and understand what’s going on for you, which will equip you for life going forward.

Counselling can often involve talking about difficult or painful feelings. This can sound scary! Be assured I am not going to take you to places that you do not want to go. I will, however, sometimes challenge you or question things that you are saying, if I feel that it would benefit our work.

Importantly, counselling involves developing an authentic relationship with another human being, and that is how I will meet you. Together we will explore how it feels to be you and hopefully make some realisations along the way.