Pricing & FAQs

How much does it cost?

A standard, one hour session costs £50
A 30 minute introductory session costs £25


How do I know you’re right for me?

You don’t! If you’re still unsure after having read about me we can have a 30 minute introductory session, within which we can discuss your needs and how I can help. These are priced at £25.


What do you use for video calls?

I use zoom. I will send you a link before our meeting.


Where are the face to face sessions held?

I work out of the Practice Rooms in Norwich (there is a map in the Contact section of this website).
Their address is:

Practice Rooms
9-11 Lower Goat Lane

The nearest parking is at St Giles car park, which is less than a five minute walk. The address is St Giles Street, Norwich, NR2 1JL. Parking is £2 for up to one hour, then £4 for up to two.


Are there any age restrictions?

I work with adults from the age of 18 upwards.


What issues will you work with?

As a counsellor I have rarely come across an issue that I will not work with. Counsellors are trained to offer empathy to the person sitting in front of them, regardless.
In the past I have worked with a range of issues, including; personal relationships, intimacy, family matters, loss, bereavement, parenthood, postnatal depression, change, loss of self, ‘existential crises’, medical diagnoses, end of life, self acceptance, career and personal growth.


How do I book?

You can call me or email me to talk and arrange an appointment. I aim to respond within 24 hours.


How do I cancel?

Cancellations happen sometimes. You can either email or text me. Please give me as much notice as possible so that I can offer the space to someone else. If given less than 24 hours in advance, or if no notification is given, I will ask for the missed session to be paid for before we can arrange any further.


How frequent are sessions?

That is up to you but I would recommend weekly sessions so that we are able to get into a rhythm of working together and able to get ‘straight back into things’ at each session.
Fortnightly sessions are not unheard of due to working schedules or just other life goings-on, but ideally we would meet once a week in order for you to gain the most benefit.


How many sessions will we need?

There is no definite answer to this question. In our first session we will talk about what it is that you are hoping to get out of counselling and we might set a plan as to what we’re going to work on and at what point we might review progress.
Some people prefer not to be as structured as this, and to see where each session takes them.
Ideally, before we end our sessions, we will get the chance to have a recap of the work we have done together.


Do you offer evening and/or weekend sessions?

I offer evening sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. These can be either face to face, via zoom or over the phone. You may need to wait slightly longer for one of these than if you were to have a daytime appointment.
I don’t currently offer weekend sessions.


What if I need you in between sessions?

I am not available between sessions on a therapeutic level. If you contact me with an issue relating to therapy I will likely suggest that we bring it to our next session for exploration.

If you are in need of somebody to talk to between our sessions, the Samaritans are always there for you (24 hours a day, 365 day a year) with a non-judgmental listening ear, by calling 116123 or emailing

You can also contact your GP for further support, who will be able to refer you on to other services within your local community.

See this page on the Mind website for advice on how to improve your life in general whilst going through difficulties.


What if I’m feeling suicidal?

Sometimes people have thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore, or of not wanting to be in a particular situation anymore. This is not uncommon when you are going through a very hard period in life.

If you have had thoughts of how you would actually take your own life then there are people you can talk to.
The National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK offers a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide, on 0800 689 5652 (6pm–3:30am every day).

The Samaritans have a safety plan available on their website which will help you to identify ways to help yourself when you are starting to have these thoughts. As above, they will also provide a listening ear and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on 116123 or by emailing

The NHS provides local support for people in a mental health crisis here find-an-urgent-mental-health-helpline


Do you work with couples/families?

Currently I only work with individuals.


Can I refer a friend/family member to you?

Yes, but it is important that person is willing to engage with counselling. Counselling won’t be as effective if they are not committed to the process. So that’s something to bear in mind.


How can I learn more about different types of counselling?

The BACP have a great list of different types of therapy available here types-of-therapy
My own approach is person-centred therapy, which can be found in the list.